
Understanding a Prostate Cancer Pathology Report
Dr. John Jurige | M.D. It is clearly an upsetting experience for a patient to be told that cancer has been found on a prostate biopsy. Usually, a patient receives this news at the same time that discussions about treatment options are undertaken. Some of the information included in a prostate biopsy report is confusing…
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Vaginal Atrophy and MonaLisa Touch
Dr. Hal Rosenbaum | M.D., F.A.C.S. I have been practicing urology in Louisville and Southern Indiana for 6 years. I take care of hundreds of patients with vaginal atrophy that are either unhappy with the use of vaginal estrogen creams or cannot use these creams due to conditions such as breast cancer. Many women come…
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Newly FDA Approved Prostate Cancer Treatment
There is a new weapon in the fight against prostate cancer! Dr. John Jurige of First Urology gives us an in-depth look at HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) and why he feels it is a game-changing technology in the treatment of prostate cancer.
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Tremendous Changes in the Evaluation & Treatment of Prostate Cancer
Dr. John Jurige | M.D. The last 15 years have seen tremendous changes in the evaluation and treatment of prostate cancer. We have more effective methods to evaluate and diagnose men at risk. We understand the biological behavior of the disease better and can finally offer less invasive precise therapy to many men. The most…
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Overactive Bladder?
Dr. Ryan Malone | M.D. Overactive bladder affects millions of Americans. Traditionally, this condition has been treated with behavioral and diet modification followed by medication. There are a number of competitor medications for this condition due to its prevalence. Only 15% of medications are refilled at 1 year due to side effects or cost. The…
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