UroLift&reg System BPH Treatment

Offers lasting relief that works fast to alleviate urgent, frequent, or difficult urination due to enlarged prostate (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia).

What is the UroLift System?

UroLift treatment is an FDA-cleared, minimally invasive outpatient Prostatic Urethral Lift (PUL) procedure that uses tiny implants to relieve pressure on the urethra and enable urine to flow normally.

A single UroLift treatment:

  • Enables most men to discontinue their BPH medications
  • Provides symptom relief in 1 to 2 weeks
  • Can be completed in less than 1 hour

Unlike traditional BPH surgery…

UroLift does not cause new onset sustained erectile or ejaculatory dysfunction.

UroLift is now recommended by the American Urological Association (AUA)

In 2018, the AUA released their recommendation that the UroLift Prostatic Urethral Lift procedure should be considered for the management of men’s lower urinary tract symptoms attributed to BPH.

Put an end to BPH medication side effects

Avoid major urinary tract surgery

And preserve sexual function

UroLift is the BPH relief you’ve been looking for

Talk to a First Urology doctor to find out if you’re a good candidate for UroLift System BPH treatment.

Learn more about UroLift® BPH treatment at https://www.urolift.com/what-is-urolift.

Video courtesy of UroLift